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The Abingdon African Princess, or, The first story I had go viral

The first story I had to go viral at the Bristol Herald Courier involved a young girl, a determined father and some unclaimed land in Africa.

No doubt you've heard of Jeremiah Heaton and his daughter, Emily, for whom he trekked across the world to claim about 800 square miles of desert, so he could fulfill his promise to her -- a promise that she would, in fact, one day be a princess.

When I went to meet the Heaton family for the first time to talk about this story, Jeremiah asked me if I was ready for a story to go viral. I kind of laughed it off.

The story published on a Friday, a day I happened to be off since I was working later in the weekend. By the time I got to work on Sunday, I'd heard about my story on nearly every major news outlet, listsicle site and feminist blog I knew of.

Here's the original story. And here's the one we did a few days later, after Princess Emily's head was spinning from all the attention.

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